Ahh OK. This sounds like a plausible cause. It could affect both AD authentication (kerberos clock skew problems) and the state of information in an array. Possibly why you were seeing the InvalidSessionCookie errors in the SGD logs.

-- DD

Jörg Reißlein wrote:

i think i have found the reason. At least it is working right now.
The slave server was using an obsolete time-synchronisation source,
so it had an offset of >10 minutes.

After using the AD DC as ntp source, I am able to login with AD users.

I hope this case can be considered as solved now...i am rebooting the
array todays evening, we'll see if my presumption was correct.


Hi Joerg,

There is nothing else to configure on the OS for AD authentication. Does
taking ttaslave1 out of the array and re-joining it fix the problem?

Using (on ttamaster):

# tarantella array detach --secondary ttaslave1.schmitt-aufzuege.edu
# sleep 120
# tarantella array join --secondary ttaslave1.schmitt-aufzuege.edu

Let us know how you get on.

-- DD

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