That's a problem installing the SGD client on the users' *local* system, rather than the published applications. What client is your customer using?

Some older versions of SGD may experience this problems on, for example, Ubuntu, or Mac, or Open Solaris - most often, I think, it's a missing library - what version of SGD are you using?

Christian Andersson wrote:
Hi there,

The company I work for are using Secure Global desktop to deliver an application to different customers,

Now, the problem I have is the following, one of our customers are using windows 2007 terminal server to access the internet (and then also our sgd server) but sofar they have not been able to start the application via sgd.

the problem is that when they sirf to our application and logg in (via sgd wetbtop session) they get the following error

Error - TCC Helper
Cannot connect the Tarantella Client Component on port 0

Now, searching google, etc I can find many reports similiar to this, except that none of them have port 0 (they all have other port numbers)

and from what I can see this is ALL related to roaming profiles (users on that terminal server that do not have roaming profiles

I have also followed the procedure defiend in this document regarding roaming profiles but still no luck.

from what I understood from someone else tsting this it might also have somthign todo with some listener file, but I´m not sure about this one..

Is there anyone that has experienced something similiar that can help me?

/Christian Andersson

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