after some more thinking, this is also wrong. I would be really great to
have some documentation about that? How does read/write during recovery
works exactly.

I first though we can simply reject reads. For writes, we can reject them
until we start object recovery. After that point we cache written data (but
still reject reads). When we have received the whole object we merge with
write cache. But that is not the way it works?

- Dietmar

From: Dietmar Maurer
Sent: Freitag, 20. Juli 2012 17:59
To: Dietmar Maurer; Liu Yuan
Cc: Chris Webb;
Subject: RE: [sheepdog] [PATCH] sheep: add a kill node operation

I guess I finally got it ;-) We only get slow response for a few objects where 
received an epoch mismatch – most request are directed to a living node which
already have the object?

That still means that IO on the KVM side is extremely slow during (2h) recovery?

From: Liu Yuan 
Sent: Freitag, 20. Juli 2012 16:18
To: Dietmar Maurer
Cc:<>; Chris Webb
Subject: RE: [sheepdog] [PATCH] sheep: add a kill node operation

nope, at most dozens of sec as I observed
在 2012-7-20 PM10:04,"Dietmar Maurer" 
> > Let's assume a complete recovery takes about 2 hours. Does that mean
> > my VMs are blocked for 2 hours (instead of continue operation on other
> nodes)?
> >
> This is actually why we spend lots of lines in recovery and IO patch, there 
> are
> some mechanism, such as request retry, oid scheduling that tries to complete
> any request in a very short period because IOs from VM are timeouted by
> guest kernel, for e.g,
> 120 seconds for Linux kernel.

So if a VM access such object, it would block for 2 hours (confused)?
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