What are your goals? If you want a drag car then the auto is the way to go. If you drive in rush hour the auto is the way to go.

Otherwise the speed is more fun IMO. You can change the gearing to pretty much whatever you want with the 5 speed for less than $1500.

One goot option for a 5 speed with higher gearing is to get a 91+ 523 and an older 523 and use the 3.77 gears ont eh 3.50 mainshaft. It is cheaper and a bit lower gearign than the 523/568 hybrid.

Of course it sounds like you want a 520/555 in order to keep your current shifter so the 555/520 hybrid might be your best option.

Even cheaper yet just put on taller tires!


On Tue, 1 May 2007, Chris VanKauwenberg wrote:

Date: Tue, 1 May 2007 11:04:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chris VanKauwenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Shelby Dodge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SD> Automatic to Manual swap or NOT!

I have an 86' Laser XT that is in excellent,untouched condition (cosmetically). 
 I've installed a few mods and now I'm left with a difficult choice.  The 3 
speed auto kills my performance.  I know Cindy and others sell a good 3 speed 
for around $1,500 (which I'm not afraid to pay).  On the otherhand, my only 
hesitation to swapping out the tranny for a manual is the condition of the 
vehicle.....  as the console and everything else is in excellent condition.  
Are the automatic consoles in these cars the same as a manual console?  Can a 
shifter boot be installed where the gear selection indicator is located or do I 
have to swap out the whole console?  I don't know if I'll ever find a manual 
console with the same features in this kind of condition (not worth it to me if 
this is how it is).  I'm picky like that : )

 Any opinions on the above is appreciated...manual vs. automatic...and/or 
console tips.  Driving the car would definitely be more enjoyable with a 
manual, and it would be nice not to hear my engine screaming at 3300-3500 rpm 
at around 70mph.


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