(Energy Suspension is the leader in Polyurethane bushings, Prothane is second)

I thought it was interesting a few weeks ago when a NW Rep from Prothane came into where my "day job" is and KNEW who I was and what I was doing in my home business (PolyBusings.com). Then about a week later the national rep for Energy Suspension stopped by and he also knew what I was doing and even knew my name.

Then a couple days ago I had a call from the Energy Suspension rep saying he wanted to stop by some evening and talk with me. I set up an appointment for yesterday evening. When I met him yesterday for dinner, there was another guy with him. Ends up it was the company controller. We had small talk about Oregon rainy weather and bushings. Then they wanted to talk about my web site. Ends up they want the web site name for themselves and want it enough to pay for it. Thats why the company controller was there, to write me out a check if I said yes. They offered me a "lot" of money.
The deal is, I also can't "compete" for 5 years. So no more poly bushings business under any name. And they said they were not sure they would still make the items I am making for the FWD Mopars.

AND I just sent in my money to be an "official" TD vender.
So I have to tell you to think about what today is!

Johnny Spiva

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