"L" BODY Rear Anti-Sway Bar
The deadline for this group buy is January 27th.
All those that want the 1" rear  "L"  body anti-sway bar
for the group buy price of $145 plus shipping, must have
written me an email committing by then, if you haven't
done so already.
You will need to send me a POSTAL money order for $145
by Jan. 30th. A money order from Wal-Mart is also okay.
You can send it sooner, I just need it by Jan 30th.
You may write a personal check if you bank at one of these three banks...
Bank of America
Well Fargo
US Bank
No credit cards, No PayPal.
I will start buying the steel and bending the bars on Jan 30th.
The bars will be sent out to all and you will be billed for the shipping
cost after the bars have been sent.
"Shipping costs" NO mark up on shipping. Shipping can range
from $13 to approx $30. These are small bars (width wise) so
they can be boxed....shipping price isn't to high.
Of course east coast vs west coast is the difference.

If you have any questions, fell free to ask

(503) 251-5887

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