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        NEW YORK, (MateBEAN, 4/9/99). Sekjen PBB Kofi Annan secara resmi,
hari ini, Sabtu (4/9) waktu Indonesia atau Jumat (3/9) waktu New York
mengumumkan hasil jajak pendapat di Timor Timur. Hasil jajak pendapat yang
dimenangkan secara mutlak oleh kelompok pro kemerdekaan ini, belum
sepenuhnya menjamin situasi di daerah itu akan berjalan normal. Dan tak ada
perayaan kemenangan dari masyarakat Timtim yang pro kemerdekaan. Karena para
milisi terus melakukan intimidasi, teror dan penembakan terhadap warga
masyarakat sipil.

        Bagaimana respon PBB terhadap situasi Timtim yang semakin memburuk
ini? Berikut sambutan Sekjen PBB Kofi Annan secara lengkap ketika
mengumumkan hasil jajak pendapat itu.



New York, 3 September 1999

On 5 May 1999, Portugal, Indonesia and the United Nations concluded an
historic set of agreements intended to resolve the long-standing issue of
East Timor. These 5 May Agreements requested me to determine, through a
popular consultation based upon a universal, direct, and secret ballot,
whether the East Timorese people would accept or reject a proposed special
autonomy for East Timor within the unitary Republic of Indonesia.

To enable me to fulfil this request, the United Nations Security Council
established on 11 June 1999 the United Nations Mission in East Timor
(UNAMET) which proceeded to organize and conduct the popular consultation.
It registered 451,792 voters in East Timor and around the world, in a
registration process which the Electoral Commission, a body composed of 3
independent commissioners, deemed to be a sound basis for the conduct of the

Thus, on 30 August 1999, in a show of courage and determination, the people
of East Timor turned out in massive numbers to vote in the popular
consultation, expressing their will as to the future of the Territory. The
votes cast have now been counted, and the Electoral Commission has assessed
all outstanding complaints and certified the results of the popular
consultation process. Therefore, in fulfilment of the task entrusted to me
by the 5 May Agreements, I hereby announce that the result of the vote is
94,388, or 21.5 per cent, in favour, and 344,580, or 78.5 per cent, against
the proposed special autonomy.

The people of East Timor have thus rejected the proposed special autonomy
and expressed their wish to begin a process of transition towards independence.

After 24 years of conflict, East Timor now stands on the threshold of what
we all hope will be a process of orderly and peaceful transition towards
independence. The coming days, however, will require patience and calm from
the people of East Timor. I hardly need stress how important it is for its
leaders to exercise wisdom and reason.

Now is the time for all concerned to seize the opportunity to lay a firm and
lasting foundation for cooperation and peace, and to usher in an era of
stability and prosperity for all future generations of East Timorese.

Those who voted to accept the proposed special autonomy must not consider
this outcome a loss. Nor indeed should the majority consider it a victory;
for there are no winners and no losers today. Rather, this moment heralds
the opportunity for all East Timorese to begin to forge together a common
future in what is to become an independent East Timor.

Today, I ask all parties to bring to an end the violence which for 24 years
has caused untold suffering to East Timor. I ask them to begin in earnest a
process of dialogue and reconciliation through the East Timor Consultative
Commission. I call upon the Government of Indonesia, which made possible the
consultation process through a statesmanlike initiative of the President of
the Republic, to ensure its successful culmination by carrying out its
responsibility to maintain law and order in the Territory.

I should like to thank both Indonesia and Portugal for their commitment and
perseverance in this process. I am confident that the Governments will
fulfil their remaining obligations under the 5 May Agreements. Let me assure
both Governments that the United Nations will continue to work with them to
ensure the implementation of the results of the consultation through a
peaceful and orderly process. Let me also assure the people of East Timor
that the United Nations will not fail them in guiding East Timor in its
transition towards independence. ***


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