On Thu, 16 May 2002 14:04:18 +0200 (MET DST), Doodle wrote:

>> 3. Start working with freepascal rtl and add all missing API calls. 
>Yesterday I was playing with the OpenSibyl sources and freepascal.
>I've tried to compile it using the freepascal RTL and units.
>After a while, it looked like for me, that it would be easier and less
>work to do small changes to the Sibyl RTL to compile with FPC, than to
>do great changes to the FPC RTL to fit into Sibyl sources, which will
>need modifications anyway.
>So my proposal is to use all the Sibyl sources, even the system unit, 
>instead the freepascal ones. What do you think about it?
Hmm... Usage of Sibyl RTL is easest, but not correct way. Problem is 2 independed 
RTLs. One for compiler and another for development. It's bad. But if we want release 
first worked release then we can use Sibyl RTL.

But we have two problems. Syntax difference. FPC doesn't have APIENTRI, doesn't have 
imports. Also problems with CSTRING type. As I know FPC doesn't support this 
type. May be this is same as ANSISTRING. Some check required.

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