On Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:33 PM, Pradosh Mohapatra (pmohapat)
<pmoha...@cisco.com> wrote:
> In these use cases, what breaks if we allow two ROAs to co-exist in the
> system (one authorizing the customer AS and one authorizing the proxy AS

the system already permits multiple ROA's for the same prefix, right?

> to originate the prefix) _much before_ the attack (or storm) takes place?
> After all, this is a valid business relationship. Choose your pill wisely.

the concern, for the dos-mitigation and really for the flashcrowds as
well (same thing in the end, "Oops, server go boom, move service to
more-servers-r-us!"), is the lack of prior relationship and thus lack
of existence of a new ROA.

(course, I could have missed your question entirely)
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