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From: Audrey Desjarlais 
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:43 AM
To: ''; '';
Cc: ''; 'Rich Barbacane'
Subject: Reminder & Save-the-Date: SPDG Directors' PD Webinar


Greetings Directors and Evaluators:


This is a reminder for the fourth installment of our SPDG Director's
Professional Development Webinar Series -  April 19, 3:00pm-4:30pm ET.
Participants of this session will learn about: (1) how to engage
administrators in their PD initiatives; (2) how PD for administrators
fits into a systemic change framework; (3) how to examine fidelity
through a lens of cultural responsivity; and (4) how the Michigan SPDG
has formalized their PD approach for administrators.  Tools described
will include practice profiles (core components of PD for
administrators) and guidance for administrator engagement. 


Details about this call and tools from the presenters can be found at: 



Please  SAVE-THE-DATE for another event we're adding to the series: 


SPDG Directors' Webinar - June 14, 2:00-3:30pm Eastern

Topic: Comparing Outcomes:  Strategies and Methodologies for comparing
SPDG and non-SPDG Schools, students with disabilities and students
without disabilities, as well as pre and post-SPDG implementation

Speakers: Amy Gaumer Erickson, Evaluator Missouri and Kansas SPDG;
Pattie Noonan, Evaluator Missouri SPDG; and Pat Gonzalez, OSEP Evaluator

Login Details: To be provided in May



Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D.

Education Program Specialist

Office of Special Education Programs

550 12th St., SW, Rm 4097

Washington, DC 20202-2600


202-245-7619 (fax)


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