Greetings SPDG Directors, Coordinators, Evaluators, and 2011 Grantee


This is a reminder for the first of two SPDG Competition Informational
Sessions - June 1, 3:00-4:30pm Eastern Time.  The purpose of these
webinars is to provide guidance to states submitting applications for
the 2011 SPDG Competition. The sessions are framed around the seven
narrative sections and other priority requirements of the competitive
application. Different sections will be highlighted on each session.


Webinar Join Link:  

Dial-In: 1-888-447-7153 Passcode: 899594

Event Details/Materials: 



OSEP Project Directors' Conference - SIG Day POLL REQUEST Reminder


To view the 'SIG Day' (SPDG  Program Area) Agenda, our planned early
bird sessions, and SIG night details go to home page, then click on 'SIG Day 2011' located in the left
side menu. 

Please help assist the SIG Day Planning Committee in coordinating the
logistics for the event. The last hour of the SIG Day provides an
opportunity to meet in small groups focused on our PLC topics. We'd like
to know what topics you're interested in covering. Anyone of you
attending the conference we would appreciate receiving a response to
this quick - 2 question - poll by June 6:


Thanks to all those who submitted a response!




Audrey  Desjarlais

Signetwork Coordinator

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97405

541.346.0373 office

541.954.8870 mobile <> <> 


Reply via email to