Greetings Directors and Coordinators,

We are looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks at the OSEP Project 
Directors' Conference!

Please don't forget the 7:30 AM discussion on professional development systems 
on Tuesday, July 19th in Maryland A.  Come prepared to talk about your SPDG's 
professional development system.

For our SIG Day agenda we will present data on how SPDG projects and parent 
organizations are collaborating with one another from the perspective of both 
the SPDG grantees and the parent organizations. In order to do so, we need 
feedback from you. We've developed a short survey to collect the data and we'd 
appreciate having one representative from each funded project complete this 
online survey by July 8:

Your responses to the questions below will help SIGnetwork provide projects 
with the appropriate guidance and assistance. 


Thank you. 

Jennifer & Audrey

Audrey  Desjarlais

Signetwork Coordinator

1268 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97405

541.346.0373 office

541.954.8870 mobile <> <>

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