What's GMail?

It is an overrated Web Mail.

They do provide POP access...

Likely it is slow, it has to be using a dialup.

?? I loathe their webmail interface. In fact the only webmail interface I have ever seen that I *didn't* hate was roundcube, but it still has a ways to go before it is ready for prime-time...

Nothing is as good as a POP3 and SMTP server.

They do provide POP access... but you are wrong - IMAP is *way better* than POP - and SMTP has nothing to do with it - it is a protocol for TRANSMITTING messages, not for ACCESSING them once they have been delivered...

Nothing beats running your own imap server (dovecot rocks!), and using Portable Thunderbird on a thumbdrive...

It is is attached to Google, I would not use it for love or money.

Read this.

This particular vulnerability is well over a year old, and apparently was fixed the same day this guy posted about it.

All computer programs have vulnerabilities... nothing new here...

There are ways to keep the computer from crashing. One can have 2, or
3 hard drives installed, or copy mail to an external hard drive.  Or
network copy to another computer. One can even do OFF site backups if
if they desire.

Most people aren't capable of doing things like this for themselves... but I agree, if you are, then there are lots of ways to keep things backed up...

For those who aren't, gmail is a decent alternative...

I doubt that they would like my 2 GIGS plus of email.

They currently allow up to 2.6GB of storage - and you can use that storage for things other than email.

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