I am well into my 80s now and I have been using Honey as a health protocol for over 40 years. First mixed with pure apple cider vinegar for my wifes' calcite deposits in her neck causing loss of feeling and control of hands[she was a classical pianist and a primary school teacher],etc.Had to be raw honey and unpast'd vinegar ,very hard to get in the early days.Would not work otherwise. I suffered for many years with H-Pylori before it was diagnosed properly.Manuka honey is not a rip off as some one said.It is expensive but after reading how Drs.RobinWarren and Barry Marshall of Waikato University of New Zealand cured self induced H-P by using it,I had to try it[Allo-Drs,were clueless,caused more harm than good] .Along with Pepto,Manuka,ginger,I finally got relief.After some time my local H F store got in Manuka at half the price;but, it was not the UMF of 16+.So,I swung over to it for a long enough trial.It was NOT effective;back to the 16+UMF.I have also found a good source of pure unadulterated Honey from northern Alberta,which I use every day too.I will not be without the Manuka.I have now found a local supplier for it. The Bismol in Pepto is Bismuth which some Drs use for people with H-P; but it must be used with caution as it will destroy the Liver and Kidneys.Read the label on the Pepto-B bottle ,do not over use.
My source in NZ was SummerGlow Apiaries

PS; some of the harm the Drs protocol did was Barretts Esophagus,chronic diarrhea,candidiasis thru the over zealous use of ABX.

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