You see there's the other catch.  We will be allowed to have the "privilege" of 
silver in our every day lives, .......... but only if we can AFFORD it!  Who 
the   h  e   double hockey sticks   can afford $205 for a bunch of 4x4 gauze 
bandages?  What nutcase would even shell out that money?  I could spray my 
wound with silver water and stick a telfa non stick pad on my wound for pennies 
a pad!  That's outrageous.  Next the companies will take back their silver pads 
claiming the public didn't want them and silver didn't work so they had to take 
them off the shelves!  Of course nobody wanted them....... nobody could afford 
them!  I'm sorry but that price is ridiculous!  I hope that wasn't one pad.  I 
hope that was a box of them of at least 400.

----- Original Message ----
From: G Murray <>
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2007 12:17:03 AM
Subject: Re: CS>'Health" Canada strikes

Hi all,

I work in a Canadian pharmacy and just yesteray I saw a product come in. 
It was a silver bandage pad.  It was about 4''X4" and it would retail at 
$205.00.  It was an a med supply company that made them , but I did not 
catch who it was that made them or the trade name of it.  Started with 
an A.  I will try and find the name tomorrow when I am at work.

G Murray

Cinder Ella wrote:

> Funny, I am a Canadian and I just went last weekend to the Fall Home 
> Show.  In it there were at least 2 booths advertising silver 
> products.  One was an attachment for your washing machine that would 
> eliminate soap.  The water went through it before going into the 
> washer and would put silver ions in the wash water.  Also there was a 
> woman there who was with a company who sold silver this silver that 
> bla bla bla.  Everthing except silver water.  She had dust mittens 
> impregnated with silver threads and magnetic laundry balls and all 
> kinds of neat stuff.  I think this is the government's way of scaring 
> people.  Sad.....
> D

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