you betcha. Now I am wondering if the blood test was an allergy type of blood test. A Rast, or Elisa, or what. That would typically test for a whole bunch of stuff. I had some of those run, which told me what I already knew, except the species of molds. Some of the tests that have been developed are worthless, and a waste of money- like the quick test for mono. It has false results more often than not, and in previous years, it might not have been embraced by the medical community riddled with errors like it is, esp when there is a REAL test, which works very well. It is just a matter of making money, imho.

I think after a person has had an illness that there is no real cure for (in the current thinking of the drs), we know it is not in our minds. One interesting point to consider: the info I got over the last few years showed that my instincts about myself were excellent. It is important to develop trust in our own selves.


On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:15 PM, Scott wrote:

I had a blood test done for blood infections which the doctor told me included testing for yeasts including Candida. As far as knowing the terrain of our bodies, I agree. However, the thought and action of going to see the doctor is one that was learned and seemed, at one time, to be of value. I am believing that there are many more doctors that are being taught how to write prescriptions and make referrals than ones that truly know how to diagnose and treat. Thank you again for your openness.


Clayton Family <> wrote:
whether or not you have a fungal disease? I am unaware of *any*
definitive test for candida that says you absolutely have it in an
infective condition? There are blood tests for valley fever that will
say if a person has ever had it, but it does not say whether you are
sick from it at the time- that is usually from clinical implications,
ei: symptoms and history.

So, I am curious: what is this test you and Ed are talking about?

The other point is this: when we know we are sick, it matters not if
the whole world naysays. It becomes up to us to figure it out and take
"the cure". I did get some important info from some medical tests,
done by an environmental dr, but most tests run by most drs over the 15
years I had this said nothing was wrong with me. Of course, I knew
better than this- what they really meant was "I don't know what is
wrong with you". I guess my point is that we all need to learn the
terrain of our own body, to find out waht works and does not, by trial
and error, and that might include an Rx, or might not.

One of the largest symptoms I had was overwhelming fatigue, from the


On Oct 23, 2007, at 10:12 AM, Scott wrote:

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