Yep yep, I see what you are saying Kathryn but as all there is available, well for the most part anyway, is anecdotal reports about colour etc etc, I just thought it was an idea. That way one could compare the 'yellow' or 'brown' or pink or grey a little more precisely and be able to compare with their own.

Put it this way....I can have a result which is clear at 17ppm and still be clear forever more at that ppm level, but then I can make some, using the same technique and get 'golden' at 9 or 11ppm. I know there are inumerable factors which can, and does, effect the production of CS do I know how much to take, (as a maintenance program for example), of the clear 17ppm as opposed to how much I should take of the golden 11ppm? I want a more accurate determination and all I can go on is the anecdotal reports I read, or pay for labs of course. By viewing others results, more discussion and analysis would be forthcoming I think. Maybe I am too analytical but how can one assure anyone else of the benefits of CS if I can't 'prove' so to speak what it is I am saying.

I am documenting all I do now so that I can build up my own stats to help support what I say regarding what constitutes EICS to anyone and although there are those who downplay the role of meters, it is only by the use of these meters that one can have ANY idea of what we produce, short of using calculations which the man...oops, and woman in the street are not going to bother with. I'd like to spend a couple of thousand dollars on lab work to get my own tested, but simply can't spend that money. I am hoping one of my relatives may assist in that area, if that happens then I will know EXACTLY what I am producing. There you go, I just had a thought, if I can get some testing done then the results could be included with the pictures which will make it really clear for anyone else to see and compare with their own. Yeah, that's the way to go I reckon.

I think that is the only thing left now. I can read between the squillions of lines available in the public domain and come to my own conclusions as to what is good and/or bad but all I would like now is to actually SEE others then I can make comparisons and make some more deductions and conclusions, (others could also)...I will have the whole 'jigsaw' then and I believe us CS users WILL then be a 'force' to be reckoned with. Just like any other professional or scientific presentation...words, analysis, documented results, (of content), and a slide show, get what I mean? Only my thoughts, that's all. That relative I mentioned stated to me the other day that he takes his hat of to me for sticking with this whole EICS thing as he has just started to read all the crap available and can't believe I have persisted with it. If he thinks that, how many others think similar and give the idea away as some hoochee hoo haa nonsense.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, September 11, 2008 5:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>generator advice?- Neville

Hi Neville,

I am not Wayne, but I had a thought...

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then actually seeing for yourself is worth a lot more. If you just start making some, you will find out so much more just by doing it than you can ever hope to know by reading or looking at other people's pix. The end product does not take much time to make, and you can get variations from batch to batch, depending on many factors.

You can just get some pure silver wire, and hook it up to any power source and distilled water. The rest is refining technique.

voting for experimentation,


On Sep 10, 2008, at 9:12 AM, Neville wrote:

There is one thing I will say though, and that is I wish one could have the opportunity to see other peoples setups and methods for making EICS generators, and what their end products look like as I think this would be of real advantage to people who may be starting out on this CS 'journey' but are sick and tired of just reading reading and more reading of all the crap out there without the advantage of actually seeing something which may encourage them to discuss and/or comment more openly to learn something which maybe new, or being able to confirm that the colour of their CS is OK, or set them straight if they are doing something wrong etc. I think that would be really helpful.

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