Thanks very much David for taking the time and trouble (not to mention cost) to get this report and posting it for us all. Another one for our arsenal.

Cheers,  Roger

On 30 Sep, 2008, at 10:50 PM, David wrote:

Some of you may have seen in Wikipedia (Colloidal silver), or other places, the reference to the death of a 71 year old man after ingesting CS. Specifically the title of the reference is... "Myoclonic status epilepticus following repeated oral ingestion of colloidal silver".

I've purchased the article ($20). For your information, heres my summary of the case...

1... Man aged about 70 finds out he has prostate cancer.
2... Takes Bicaltamide (a prescribed drug with a few side effects) for 3 months. 3... Following this he tried "various nutritional and vitamin supplements, homeopathic remedies such as PC-SPES and essiac tea, and colloidal silver". (Its claimed his CS machine produced 4 litres of 10ppm in 30 minutes). He drinks at least a ONE OUNCE a day for 4 months. (Yep, you heard right, a whole ounce!) 4... Wife and daughter confiscate his CS machine and give it to doctors. (Presumably this ended his CS intake) 5... His prostate antigen level increases so he ceases all unconventional treatment and undergoes 7 weeks (35 cycles) of radiation therapy. 6... Seizures begin 1 month after radio therapy ceases. (This appears to be about 3 MONTHS AFTER CEASING CS INGESTION) 7... He goes into 'Myoclonic status epilepticus' (a constant seizure) so Doctors put him into an INDUCED COMA and pump him with various drugs.
8... Patient deteriorates to a persistant vegetative condition.
9... Patient is shifted to his home town hospital where he dies of PNEUMONIA 5.5 months after seizures begin.

At the time of 'his admission' blood tests revealed 'high levels of silver'. (The article does not really clarify at which admission the blood samples were taken. It could have been back when his prostate antigen levels were tested. Following death, an autopsy revealed 'elevated silver in the grey matter'. (I don't think either of these findings are particularly surprising.)

OK folks, heres the rub...

Is the focus of article about who or what killed him? No, its about what caused the seizures!

Quote.."His (the patients) extensive investigations (tests), including cranial MRIs, somatosensory evoked potentials, routine and special CSF studies for viruses or other microorganisms, porphyria, Hashimoto thyroiditis, connective tissue disease, and anti-Hu antibodies, WERE NORMAL. Patient’s liver function was also NORMAL. Therefore, we hypothesized the patient’s condition was caused by silver toxicity. Plasmapheresis resulted in significant improvement in his plasma (1.9 nmol/L), erythrocytes (2.2 nmol/L), and CSF (1.04 nmol/L) silver levels without any associated neurologic recovery.

In other words... "We checked everything and all we could find was silver, so we are HYPOTHESIZING the silver (that he stopped taking 3 MONTHS before the siezures) must have done it! Sorry Mum and Daughter, its not our fault. He's dead because of that damned silver!"

If I was a cynic I could suggest conventional medicine killed him, and colloidal silver became a convenient scapegoat.


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