I have no reply for these people.  I suppose that is what the experts are for.  

My son had been on antidepressants for a long time, in hospital, all sorts.  
His general practitioner got him to see one of the other doctors in the 
practice.  He had three sessions of what sounded to me like a very poor version 
of the EFT - just tapping a particular place to the side of the chest, while 
saying what the problem was.  He felt really stupid doing it, and had no faith 
in it at all.  Except, after three sessions he was fine.

I am not trying to convince anyone, just saying what has floated past my eyes.


  What about those it *doesn't* work for though?  dee

  Rowena wrote:
  > Apparently, it works even if you don't "believe" it.  Even if someone 
  > else does the tapping and affirming.  And even if you don't accept the 
  > affirmation, e.g. you don't accept and love yourself.
  > Friend of mine didn't believe it, but it worked on her, even though 
  > she was a difficult case.  She uses it herself now.
  > R