Thanks for the link.  In our earliest days on the (dial-up) internet we have 
used Eudora and Pegasus, and I missed them when we then shifted to Outlook.  
I think it is time to revisit, certainly, and I think DH will investigate this 
for me.  
Mutt was a mystery to me, but now I have googled it, here is a link for anyone 
else who was mystified as to what it might be! - plus some comments and another 

Online html official manual for Mutt stable version. This is the primary 
documental source for learning Mutt. 
Mutt is a text-based e-mail client for Unix-like systems. It was originally 
written by Michael Elkins in 1995 and released under the GNU General Public
The best e-mail package for Unix is mutt. Don't use pine for e-mail! It was 
developed for people who are afraid of computers, not sophisticated computer 
A guide to Mutt, also with screenshots, by the University of Alberta 
(Department of Computing Science). 

  Hi Rowena,

  I *think* there is a checkbox option in the preferences dialog to 
  message compacting in Outlook. I could be wrong about this, as I haven't 
  at Outlook since I had to "fix it" for a friend a few months ago, but I seem
  to remember that...

  It is frequently said by geeky types that "all email clients suck, but mutt 
  sucks the least". I agree with that.
  Setting it up is daunting for a non-geek, though. But Eudora is very good, the
  older qualcomm version like Wayne uses. I know Thunderbird is not as feature 
  as Outlook (and it can be a bit slow), but Eudora pretty much has it all. 
  You can still download the qualcomm release from
  for free. 


  On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 11:05:31PM +0900, Rowena wrote:
  >    Yes, I put up my hand for deserving funny looks for using Outlook.
  >    DH gave me Mozilla Thunderbird, but there was some feature in Outlook I
  >    used a lot (forget what just now) that Mozilla didn't have, so I switched
  >    back.
  >    We back up the whole computer every week to a LaCie or Lacey device; 
  >    from that I don't back them up anywhere else.  The dialogue box keeps
  >    popping up offering to compact my messages, even when they have just been
  >    compacted, repeatedly throughout the day.  I deleted thousands of old
  >    emails recently, but it still wants to compact everything.
  >    In theory I disapprove of Outlook.  In practice, well ... ...
  >    Rowena
  >        I am surprised that you use outlook.  Always thought it was one
  >    of the stupid ones.
  >    Tell me what happens when you back up your messages.


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