Interesting, Day.  

I pop up with this little story every now and then.

I suppose it's a Helicobacter pylori story - I used to work for the Prof who 
was head of department in Royal Perth where they did the original work on 
H.pylori.  The bismuth stuff was involved in some trials.

I happened to read The Forty-Nine Steps (John Buchan) while I was there, in 
which an American character who suffers an ulcer is always sucking bismuth 
tablets.  By the end of the story he is free of his ulcer.

I mentioned this to the Prof, and he was quite tickled by the circumstance.  
(They already had the cure half a century before . . . )


  I cured my ulcers permanently with Pepto Bismal.   Bought large bottle and 
swigged it frequently for about a week...