Oh -- the episode I was referring to happened in eastern Virginia.  I attended 
an equine training clinic there, on a farm of course, and unbeknownst to me was 
exposed to a nest of ticks.  I saw some little *bugs* on me, but casually 
brushed them off and didn't give it a thought -- I'd never even seen a deer 
tick before that, so I didn't know what they were.  Over the course of the 
weekend, I removed eighteen of the ba****ds off of myself, and four of the 
bites produced Lyme bulls-eyes.  On the trip home, I kept wet-packs of CS on 
the bulls-eye bites, and drank plenty of it, and saw my chiro as soon as I 
could.  I also spoke by phone with a homeopathic doc and he told me to take 
Goldenseal Root, and drink echinacea tea, in addition to taking CS.  I did 
that, and never developed the Lyme disease despite the enormous exposure.  Oh 
-- my little Peke-A-Poo dog went with me on that trip, and she too got multiple 
tick bites.  I simply treated her with
 Colloidal Silver as a medication, and she has been fine.  That trip was 
probably seven or eight years ago, and she's a healthy little 12-year-old!!  
And I'm a healthy little __-year old!  Hah!!  :-)  MA  

From: lampley lane <lampleyl...@webtv.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 10:48:50 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Atten: Lampley

Hi MaryAnn, I forgot to tell ya, N.W. Arkansas. We have few LLMD's (Lyme 
Literate Medical MD) here. There is one in S. Missourri, but he uses 
antibiotics and wants thousands of dollars. A thousand just for the first visit 
sheesh! This is probably the worst for ticks in the U.S. My husband is from 
Oregon, well N. Ca. really, but he says this is just unreal ha. I warned him 
:). I hope ya got your tick episode dealt with and are ok. As long as we are on 
silver, any pathogens from ticks will die in us anyway, so we're happy campers! 
Blessings to ya, Little Bird  , oh and where are you?
From: MaryAnn Helland
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2009 9:12 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Atten: Lampley

Yes -- I agree -- it's pretty high all over the US.  But it's pretty amazing 
that you personally know four people who have it.  So can you please tell me 
what part of the country you're in?  For one thing, it's an area I'd probably 
like to avoid.  Second, I had a tick episode myself some time ago, and I'm 
wondering if you're near that area.  You can email me privately, if you'd 
prefer privacy on the issue.  MA

From: lampley lane <lampleyl...@webtv.net>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 9:01:13 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Atten: Lampley

Hey MaryAnn, I think it's pretty high all over the U.S., and that alot of 
diagnoses are wrong and are really Lyme. My blood actualy tested positive. 
After twenty yrs. ha. I demanded to be retested. I wish I had yrs ago. After 2 
tests, yrs apart, (20 yrs. ago) they never tested me again. Told me I had 
Fibromyalgia. Thanks for being glad for me that CS is working. Had a couple of 
tough days, I believe in the end this is the ticket, thank God! Blessings, 
Little Bird
From: MaryAnn Helland
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 6:41 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Atten: Lampley

Hi. Sorry you're sick, and glad that CS is helping you.  I'm wondering where 
"here" is?  And why you have "so many Lyme cases"?  MA

From: lampley lane <lampleyl...@webtv.net 

When we start making it, we will give it to sick ppl who will try it. So many 
Lyme cases here. I know 3 friends already who have it. AND we had a neighbor 
who had it. She got palsy and half her face was paralyzed. (yrs ago before I 
knew anything about it) Not long after that she died of a heart attack. It's 
the silent epidemic here. My sis isn't convinced (she's so sick with fibro 
she's bed ridden, but she's a nurse and doesn't try holistic much...I'm pretty 
sure it's Lyme) I'm working on her about trying it. Thanks and have a great 