Two gallons is probably too much to brew at one time with most of the
home generators we see.
You would be better off starting out with a pint or a quart. (approx.
500 to 1000ml)

My rule of thumb is that the maximum amount of silver released into 1
cup of water at 1 milliamp current is equivalent to approximately
17ppm.  You can extrapolate from this rule.  Just use your reasoning
abilities, if you have any...  (I assume you do)


On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 8:22 AM, Evans, Antonio F.<> wrote:
> My first question is, how long should I leave the process brewing and does
> it take longer if I am making 2 gallons at a time? do I ever need to get new
> silver leads and when should I? I just wiped my silver leads with a clean
> paper towel is that okay? how do I increase the ppm? after 3 hours what is
> the ppm? after 6 hours what is the ppm? and so on and so forth... feel free
> to call me now at my desk also with any helpful tips
> A. Evans/ Desk: 202.461.8863
> Fax: 202.565.4679
> "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to
> all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world,
> and all there ever will be to know and understand."
> Albert Einstein
> 1879-1955, Physicist

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