De-Ionization. it's a filter to make water suitable for making CS.




From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 3:42 AM
Subject: Re: CS>first batch, DI... was: water


What is DI please?  dee


On 14 Jul 2009, at 07:26, Gina Moore wrote:

Sorry.  I guess I thought you could read my mind!  LOL!  :-)  Yes, the first
batch I made of CS had the slimy looking stuff in it.  Not a whole lot of
it, but since I had not made it before, I wasn't sure if it was ok!  It was
Wal Mart brand distilled water, and it seemed ok.  Oh, and I have a Silver

The problem with the RO unit is I thought the water at the tap (at the sink)
was RO water, but it doesn't seem to be.  I looked online at some pics of
RO's with DI's and my setup is a bit different.  The tube that goes to the
RO tap at the sink is a bigger diameter and comes from a different place on
the RO unit.  The tube that I'm supposed to connect the DI unit to, goes to
what I think is the fridge and not the tap.  Doesn't seem right to me that
it only goes to the fridge and not to the tap at the sink like the ones I
saw online.