We are Euphoric...almost...over our enthusiasm regarding a substance which became available about 24 months ago---and since subjected to a number of different evaluations.
While the actual materials are not (essentially) modified in chemical or biological essence.....the FORM of delivery is GREATLY improved and we have enjoyed ASTONISHING results among all of our principal investigators evaluating these materials. These research evaluations revolved around substances yielded by a process called Liposomal Encapsulated Technology (LET). All of our evaluations involved either Liposomal Encapsulated GSH or Liposomal Encapsulated
Vitamin C. A majority of our experimental cases involved LET-based Vitamin C.
About six months ago, inspired by the very recent (last 15 months) documented research of Dr. Thomas Levy, M.D., and associates, we endeavored to prosecute some evaluations of our own.......which centered on vitamin C encapsulated by phospholipid liposomes. The actual material we utilized was obtained from representatives of a firm holding some exclusive procedural patents (Livon), but there are, probably, others now available.....especially with the proclivities of firms for circumventing existing patents. The material is called "Smart" Lyco-Spheric Nano-Spheres.
The principal characteristic which enables the substance to yield such outstanding results, springs from its ability to present both in the blood stream and the inter-cellular environments----simultaneously. I could hardly believe Dr. Levy's original claims as to results they achieved. To wit: That the ORAL ingestion of this "Vitamin C on Steroids" as the hype had pronounced it-----turned out (at least for us), to be ...EXACTLY THAT. E.G. 5 GRAMS of the LET-type vitamin C (taken orally) did, indeed, yield results comparable to 50 GRAMS OF IV ADMINISTERED vitamin C. We were, simply, ASTOUNDED...by this result. I will not attempt to elaborate on our specific experiments, but will state that our associates achieved some UNBELIEVABLE results in very short time windows----and some involving stage IV carcinoma (which had proven unresponsive to ALL EXISTING ALLEOPATHIC PROTOCOLS). The implications are simply STAGGERING....for us.
The COST PROFILE simply COLLAPSES when considering such a simple---non-toxic----address
to an amazing number of terminal-type insults. e.g. snakebite, botulinum, viral insults from across the entire spectrum, etc).
I must go now, but I encourage list members to conduct a web search on this
manufacturing technology and the products available.....that actually exhibit the nano-encapsulation technology.
Do understand that some condition/circumstance may present itself, that could modify or, maybe, even negate our profound results...but I most SERIOUSLY DOUBT such will be the case. At present, we can hardly believe our results, but three other research groups (with whom we exchange information periodically.....have effected results identical to ours.
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