Although not scientifically rigorous, I offer a simple test which will yield the
DIY researcher some element of confidence that they do, in fact, have a useful measure of liposomal
First, pour about 4 ounces of your finished Vitamin C encapsulate into a cylindrical, 12 ounce
water glass. Next, place 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate into about 1 ounce of distilled water and stir
for 3 to 5 seconds. Next, pour the sodium bicarbonate solution into the Vitamin C mixture and stir gently for several seconds. Note: If the
foam/bubble line which forms on top is 1/2 inch or less---in height---you have about a 50% encapsulation efficiency. If the foam/bubble line is 3/8 of one inch...or less, you have about a 60% efficiency. If the
foam/bubble line is 1/8 inch or less, you have about 75% efficiency. If the foam/bubble line is
just a should major in chemistry.
The percentages given above, represent the amount of the total Vitamin C component incorporated during the encapsulation process.....that was actually encapsulated. The less encapsulation....the greater the foaming.
What is, actually, occurring in this test is that the ascorbic acid fraction is being transformed into the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C. This test does not negatively affect the usefulness of the solution you have the isolated Vitamin C component is not adversely affecting the encapsulate (which is being protected by the lecithin bubble-covering.) Actually, the sodium ascorbate form of vitamin C is greater than an order-of-magnitude more soluble for tissue incorporation......than is the ascorbic acid form.
In any event this simple test should serve to raise the level of confidence in the DIY researcher....
that they do---in fact---have a useful measure of encapsulated vitamin C.
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

p.s. I had, a few moments ago, just finished a much more extensive posting.....but some form of invasive
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