Nebulizing is simple,clean all components well with DW,then put CS in tank,set humidity setting high;if applicable to your machine;relative humidity will determine this;turn on, then place mouth and nose in vapor cloud.Take 3 or 4 deep breaths through the mouth.Also the nose.Let vapor get in eyes while blinking.
Repeat as necessary.
Doing this approx 3 times a day for three days in a row has kept me away from ABX for a good number of years when symptoms arise.Before this Bronchial Pneumonia was my bug-bear.

In the years past many of these F tubes were lacking the white frosting filtering for a short length at the ends of them.This let hard Gamma radiation leak out and this would reach the eye at a slant.Along with the flickering off and on 60 times per second serious problems could result. Being an electrician this was a concern and a quick repair would be to wrap aluminum foil around the clear glass ends of the tubes.
There were better class tubes,but were more costly.
In some work places incandescent fixtures had to be installed to give steady glow. I recently installed all my table and reading lamps with the new compact Fs,but had to go back to the good old bulbs as some of the F light rays were being filtered out by most reading surfaces and spurious rays were reflected back to my eyes with bad results. The newspapers are the worst as the pulp they use in many cases is from off-shore.
Slick magazines,etc were OK on the whole.

Such is life {:-o]


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