From Dr. Janet Starr Hull

Welcome to I'm Dr. Janet Starr Hull, and I have something to share with you that may save your life or the life of someone you love




Aspartame Side Effects

The components of aspartame can lead to a number of health problems, as you have read. Side effects can occur gradually, can be immediate, or can be acute reactions. According to Lendon Smith, M.D. there is an enormous population suffering from side effects associated with aspartame, yet have no idea why drugs, supplements and herbs don't relieve their symptoms. Then, there are users who don't 'appear' to suffer immediate reactions at all. Even these individuals are susceptible to the long-term damage caused by excitatory amino acids, phenylalanine, methanol, and DKP


tinnitus - ringing or buzzing sound
severe intolerance of noise
marked hearing impairment

headaches, migraines and (some severe)
dizziness, unsteadiness, both
confusion, memory loss



Loss of appetite ,weight
abdominal pain
Aspartame is the common denominator for over 92 different health symptoms at the root of modern disease. The Aspartame Detoxification Program demonstrates the most effective way to reverse disease symptoms is removing the underlying cause - aspartame.



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