
Do you take any fish oil supplements?  I read recently that studies indicate C 
and E interfere with its apoptotic activities, and that could be an issue if 
one is taking high-ish doses of fish oil to control cancer.


---- "John E. Stevens" <> wrote: 

hi, Simeon:

I give blood every 56 days.  The Red Cross always test my iron levels which
are usually around 10 - 12, normal they say.  I enjoy giving blood because
it not only helps the Red Cross and many people, but it gets any excess iron
out of my system and gets my spleen working making new blood.  A couple days
after I give blood I have a new and fresh abundance of energy which I
attribute to the fresh, new blood.  Imagine how wonderful creating a fresh
new pint supply of blood every 56 days is.    In 35 years of taking immense
amounts of vitamin C, I've never had any problems with iron.

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