John -- I am sure that Dick is just thrilled that you approve of his post, and 
is no doubt composing his letter of gratitude to you at this very moment.

For myself, I find your self-congratulatory post piggy-backed onto his very 
informative one gratuitous and annoying (and we are supposed to think for 
ourselves, right?  After all, you said so!).  Nothing that Dick said in his 
post supports your claim that "CS will kill off some of the good bacteria in 
the intestines if used daily". If anything, his acknowledgement that he made 
silver nitrate and consumed that for years supports the general claim of this 
group that EIS, as we make it here, is a very safe product (insert nod here to 
the threshhold issue that Mike reminded me of yesterday).

If I may -- and I speak only for myself -- you might find yourself a more 
valued member of the list here if you would *share* your convictions, rather 
than issue edicts, and acknowledge it when something you say proves to be wrong 
and/or inadequate.  And refrain from belittling people who do not agree with 
you.  Hopefully, you're listening.
Very best regards,
Mary Ann  

From: John E. Stevens <>
Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 11:45:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>effects of STOPPING EIS?

Good points, Dick.  Adds a lot to what I said originally about being careful in 
the use of colloidal silver water.  hopefully others are listening...


On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 11:22 AM, Richard Goodwin <> 

OK, I have been waiting for some outcomes of Dr. visits to write this, and 
while I'm still waiting for certain results, I think this is a good time to 
send out some preliminary information about things that can go wrong with the 
way EIS can be made and/or used.
>First, my wife and I started taking EIS made by an acquaintance of our Dr. 
>about 3 years ago, to get rid of lyme, with which we had both been diagnosed.  
>The treatment was apparently successful after a year or two, all lyme symptoms 
>having disappeared.
>The EIS this guy made was mostly the approximately the color of tea -- light 
>to dark brown.  He generally had a mixture of colloidal silver and gold, and 
>sometimes mixed in other things.  This was for drinking and external spraying. 
> He had other stronger stuff, sometimes with copper in it, for external 
>spraying or soaking only, not for drinking.
>He also made completely clear stuff for infusions, of which we had many in the 
>He showed me how to make EIS, including a technique he later used whereby he 
>arced high voltage between the positive silver electrode and the "soup" after 
>it reached a high enough PPM to conduct well.  He, and I at his suggestion, 
>used an electrophoresis power supply to produce up to 2000 v at 200 ma max.  
>This high voltage arcing turned the dark soup completely clear after a while, 
>and produced PPMs of 100 or 200 and higher, which we all thought was pretty 
>cool.  And it worked very well.  No colds, flu, flu shots, deodorant, and many 
>other great uses for it.
>My wife and I continued to take this daily since then, but lately have noticed 
>some grayness around her face.  She has always taken quite a bit more than I 
>have.  A while ago Marshall pointed out that I was most likely making silver 
>nitrate, and that would not be a good thing to take, so I have stopped making 
>that, and am now making the 10-20 PPM EIS with no arcing and with low voltage 
>and current.  Am also making silver citrate for spraying, which seems to work 
>So ... we decided to follow the suggestions for getting rid of the gray color. 
> My wife stopped taking EIS a couple of weeks ago, and started taking the 
>vitamins and other supplements suggested in several places out there to get 
>rid of the gray color.
>Almost immediately she became ill with diarrhea.  Couldn't keep anything in 
>her, and had no appetite for anything anyway.  After a week of this, with no 
>sign of it getting better, we took her to the local ER, since our Dr is out of 
>town for the week.  There we talked to an amazingly open-minded and 
>understanding AMA-type Dr who was very interested in the EIS concept, and was 
>not nasty, sarcastic, or dismissive of it like most of them are.
>His take on it, after doing blood and other tests, is that her condition is 
>just like what happens when someone is on an antibiotic for a long time, then 
>suddenly stops, and the beneficial flora in the gut are all gone, and 
>therefore some other infection takes over.  The Dr believed that she could 
>have any one or more of several infections going on that are causing her 
>diarrhea, and he was particularly concerned that C. Difficile might be one of 
>them, so he tested explicitly for that as well as others.
>The C. Difficile test came back negative, thank goodness.  The other test 
>results will be available over the next few days.
>She generally takes pro-biotics, but hasn't been taking them lately, because 
>neither she or I have experienced anything that made us think we needed them.
>Well now we have.  Or at least she has.
>The Dr suggested going back on the silver in lieu of giving her some standard 
>AMA antibiotic (good Dr!), and to start taking pro-biotics and keep that up.  
>She is starting to get better.
>We are coming to a couple of conclusions out of all this:
>1.  Make the EIS the right way, and don't over indulge in it, and you 
>shouldn't turn gray or blue.
>2.  Take pro-biotics even if you don't think you need them.  A nice fat C. 
>Difficile infection is no fun, and in fact can be life threatening.
>I'm interested to hear feedback and/or suggestions from the group.
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