On the Centreforce link, if you click on "Freedom of Choice" you get his research and conclusions, mainly on cancer

Over the last twenty years, Western governments (particularly the U.S. Government through its Food & Drug Administration) has literally outlawed entire species, even genus, of cancer-fighting herbs. We don't just mean individual products. In some cases, we mean the entire genus of plant, scrub, even tree. In some cases, the "outlaw plant," had a centuries-old, proven history of effectiveness. And in the case of chapparel (larrea tridentata, larrea mexicata, and three of species in North America), the FDA action was provoked by the most insignificant of data (in this case that chapparel was "hepatotoxic" to those with weak livers.)

One plant after another has been banned as illegal. At any usage level, using any distillation method, using any part of the plant... period. Bloodroot, pokeroot, chapparel, purple lepacho... and proposed is even red clover! Mysteriously any plant that has shown strong anti-cancer properties has been removed from store shelves and placed on "blacklists." And yet the plants that have been banned are those which exhibit the most promise and are empirically the most effective when properly processed. These plants are not banned by legislatures. There are no laws enforcing such bans. These are "policy directives," bureaucratic decisions made without any input from the electorate or members of the everyday practicing health care community. These decisions are made by government workers with close ties to the pharmaceutical industry. There is no accountability to the electorate, only to large corporations whose profits in such obscene practices as radiation and chemotherapy treatment must be protected as all costs.