That's exactly right Ode!!  People know that they should quit, but really don't 
want to.  It took me a long time to decide to quit smoking -- I really enjoyed 
cigarettes.  Smoked three packs a day (yikes!!).  But I finally decided that it 
was gonna kill me, and it was time to give my body and lungs a break.  I went 
and got hypnotized, and that was it.  Haven't smoked a single cigarette since 
that day almost thirty years ago.

You're also right about the mental addiction.  I still have dreams where I find 
myself smoking a cigarette and thinking at the same time -- "Oh nooooooooooo -- 
I thought I quit!!"  So still fighting that battle (subconsciously) all these 
years later.

From: Ode Coyote

He thinks he *should* quit but doesn't really want to.

Quitting is no more unpleasant nor longer lasting than a case of the flu.
The toxins clear themselves out in 3 to 7 days.
The "addiction" is mostly mental and involves loss of habitual self identity.


At 09:43 AM 11/16/2010 -1000, you wrote:
> I have a friend who wants to quit smoking
> but procastinates.
> Is there a supplement or herb that will help
> a smoker quit ?
> I know part of this is cleansing the body of toxins.
> Smitty

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