Dr. Jerald F. Judd, in his book "Good Teeth From Birth to Death, explains
how he regrows tooth enamel.  Available for free online...

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 5:50 PM, David AuBuchon <aubuchon.da...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Comfrey some people say heals cavities.  You aren't supposed to swallow it
> though.
> http://www.naturalnews.com/026781_comfrey_herbs_blood.html
> http://www.naturalnews.com/029112_teeth_regeneration.html
> ~David
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Shar <fire888ea...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hope for bad teeth.
>> For DIY, perhaps, we could use dmso instead of the poly L-glutamic acid,
>> but the question is how could we get the MSH.
>> Sharlene
>> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1297850/Gel-help-decayed-teeth-grow-end-fillings.html
>> Gel that can help decayed teeth grow back could end fillings
>> Last updated at 2:50 PM on 27th July 2010
>> A gel that can help decayed teeth grow back in just weeks may mean an end
>> to fillings.
>> The gel, which is being developed by scientists in France, works by
>> prompting cells in teeth to start multiplying. They then form healthy new
>> tooth tissue that gradually replaces what has been lost to decay.
>> Researchers say in lab studies it took just four weeks to restore teeth
>> back to their original healthy state. The gel contains
>> melanocyte-stimulating hormone, or MSH.
>> We produce this in the pituitary gland, a pea-sized gland just behind the
>> bridge of the nose.
>> MSH is already known to play an important part in determining skin colour
>> - the more you have, the darker your flesh tone.
>> But recent studies suggest MSH may also play a crucial role in stimulating
>> bone regeneration.
>> As bone and teeth are very similar in their structure, a team of
>> scientists at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research in
>> Paris tested if the hormone could stimulate tooth growth.
>> Their findings, published in the American Chemical Society journal ACS
>> Nano, could signal hurtnot just an end to fillings, but the dreaded dentist
>> drill as well. Tooth decay is a major public health problem in Britain.
>> Around £45m a year is spent treating decayed teeth and by the age of 15,
>> teenagers have had an average of 2.5 teeth filled or removed.
>> Decay is caused by bacteria, called streptococcus mutans, that live in the
>> mouth and feed on sugar in the diet. Once the bacteria stick to the enamel,
>> they trigger a process called demineralisation - they turn sugar in the diet
>> into a harmful acid that starts to create holes in the teeth.
>> For decades, the main treatment for cavities has been to 'drill and fill'.
>> However, an estimated one in five Britons suffers from dental phobia, a fear
>> of dentists which means some would rather endure pain and suffering than
>> face the prospect of having their teeth drilled.
>> The new treatment is painless. And although fillings halt decay, they can
>> come loose and sometimes need refilling.
>> Experts believe new tooth cells would be stronger and a permanent
>> solution.
>> The French team mixed MSH with a chemical called poly-L-glutamic acid.
>> This is a substance often used to transport drugs inside the body because it
>> can survive the harsh environments, such as the stomach, that might destroy
>> medicines before they get a chance to work.
>> The mixture was then turned into a gel and rubbed on to cells, called
>> dental pulp fibroblasts, taken from extracted human teeth. These cells are
>> the kind that help new tooth tissue to grow.
>> But until now there has been no way of 'switching' them back on once they
>> have been destroyed by dental decay. The researchers found the gel triggered
>> the growth of new cells and also helped with adhesion - the process by which
>> new dental cells 'lock' together.
>> This is important because it produces strong tooth pulp and enamel which
>> could make the decayed tooth as good as new.
>> In a separate experiment, the French scientists applied the gel to the
>> teeth of mice with dental cavities. In just one month, the cavities had
>> disappeared. The gel is still undergoing testing but could be available for
>> use within three to five years.
>> Professor Damien Walmsley, the British Dental Association's scientific
>> adviser, said the gel could be an interesting new development, but stressed
>> it is unlikely to be able to repair teeth that have been extensively damaged
>> by decay.
>> 'There are a lot of exciting developments in this field, of which this is
>> one,' he said. 'It looks promising, but we will have to wait for the results
>> to come back from clinical trials and its use will be restricted to treating
>> small areas of dental decay.'
>> Scientists have developed a 'tongue' gel as part of a new approach to
>> tackling bad breath and preventing tooth decay.
>> Halitosis is usually caused by bacteria in the mouth. The latest
>> treatment, developed by Meridol, takes a mechanical and chemical approach.
>> It consists of a tongue scraper, gel and mouth wash.
>> The extra-flat tongue cleaner is used to scrape bacteria off the tongue.
>> The tongue gel and mouthwash are anti-bacterial and contain chemicals that
>> attach themselves to odour-producing compounds, which are then flushed out
>> with the mouthwash. Both gel and mouthwash contain fluoride.
>> Read more:
>> http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1297850/Gel-help-decayed-teeth-grow-end-fillings.html#ixzz17McMS0hZ


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