Indeed, I'd care for this information myself!



From: vicki hood [] 
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 6:44 PM
To: Renee;
Subject: Re: CS>Arthritis & vitamin B5


Renee, It would be beautiful to publish source of this homemade as it
probably won't be long before big pharma, AMA and our government powers
regulate supplements   Others,  Keep this in mind and share info because we
may be making our own supplements.  

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Renee <>  


Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 10:07 AM

Subject: Re: CS>Arthritis & vitamin B5


Since what I bought was 'home made' by a guy, it simply came in big chunks
that my brother would scrape off (it kind of crumbles) a quarter teaspoon,
twice a day.  He ate it with his meals.  It's not bad tasting, particularly,
but very greasy, so best taken with some other fatty type food to make it go
down.  What this dose would translate to in capsules, I have no idea.








-------Original Message-------



Would you share the dosage used?