I would use the Australian Bush Flower Essences starting with Emergency
Essence for the shock and grief at first.

There are other essences for grief but since we all perceive things
differently (some get angry, some take on the death threat personally so
other essences are needed once the initial grief and shock are dealt with)

The book "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White has a good repertory
ISBN-10: 073380053X
This group is mostly for people using Australian Bush Flower Essences but
are always willing to give suggestions.

I often mix my combinations with only Colloidal Silver rather than the
Brandy/vodka and spring water.  But will not keep as long as the alcohol

-----Original Message-----
From: beitharm...@gmail.com [mailto:beitharm...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:56 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Nerve Reparation

If someone were to be suffering from *shot nerves* or PTSD, how would 
one go about repairing them from the deepest level to the physical?

What would be the optimal protocol with proven results? And are there 
any documented cases where one was actually healed of early life trauma 
- aka Completx PTSD?

Thanks - Joy


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