Especially since you have multiple sites, have you considered the maple syrup 
and bicarbonate protocol?  I found it for a friend on by 
googling.  If you want the protocol I can send it to you.

From: "" <>
Sent: Fri, April 22, 2011 9:16:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>silver ionotophoresis for cancer friend/ DMSO baking soda

In a message dated 4/21/2011 3:24:00 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
Are your cancer spots internal or external?   I was diagnosed with stage 4 
ovarian cancer in late Jan.  Never knew it was there--felt fine, then whack in 
the head.....Had operation Feb 9 & over 99 % was removed- {Dr. said } On April 
1st Had pain & went to emergency. Cat scan found blood clot in right leg & in 
both lungs..also possible cancer on pelvic bone & tail bone... I am using the 
DMSO/baking soda on those areas....Not sure if it is working but still will 
it up..4 sets of 6 days application--6 days none.  { repeat 4 times..}
>> ~David
>> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 12:22 PM, David AuBuchon
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi ZZekelink,
>>> About the transdermal bicarb:
>>> 1.  Is distilled water okay?  Or should I get sterile water from a
>>> doctor?  (actually you can get it from vet supplies online in some
>>> states)  I use distilled water made from our own distiller.
>>> 2.  What do you use for a bottle to mix the solution and the DMSO? The 
>>> baking 
>>>soda is mixed in a very clean glass bottle. We put it in a shot glass & add 
>>>DMSO just before I apply it. { It's nice & warm }
>>> 3.  Did you learn of this transdermal option from Dr. Simonici?  I did
>>> not find any info on his site on this, and he did not mention it to me
>>> in an email response he sent me either. I found the info. on the DMSO group 
>>>site. DimethylSulfoxide-DMSO sign in .
>>> 4.  Is it the DMSO that makes the bicarb go right to the tumor?  So
>>> this is better than just taking bicarbonate orally right?--- Yes---You 
>>> should 
>>>keep body PH at 8.5 or better...Juicing veggies & fruit helps Gerson cancer 
>>> 5.  If the tumor can be felt beneath the abdominal wall, should I rub
>>> it right over the tumor, or rub it over the chest?  Right on the tumor.
>>> 6.  What is to stop me from doing this transdermal bicarb with 20
>>> times the recipe, all over his body, and like 10 times a day?  Is it
>>> the more the merrier?  This I don't know..I'm following the directions..
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~David