That being said, what are some of the name brands that people are buying
that are reputable, cold pressed, extra virgin and reasonably priced? I've
bought it before but now want to make sure going forward I get the right


-----Original Message-----
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2011 8:09 AM
Subject: Re: CS>EVCO

  Um, not in my experience.  If the label does not specifically say 
"cold pressed" than it isn't.  There are all kinds of word tricks used 
to make it seem as though it is "the special" kind, when its not.  And 
some companies that say they are cold pressed even, need to be studied 
further, as some of them do the first press as a cold press, but then 
use a heated (low heat, but heat) process for finishing.  Those that do 
that, and still label it as cold press, believe they are completely 
natural and healthful, believe that killing off the enzymes in the oil 
is a good thing, making the oil last longer than it would otherwise.  So 
be careful, do your research.  don't just buy something from your 
favorite market because it has "cold pressed" on the label - find out 
what they mean by that.  Sara

On 7/19/2011 2:40 AM, Hanneke wrote:
> I don't know about this company of course, but Extra in the  label 
> usually means cold pressed virgin coconut oil..

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