Brickey, would you be willing to share those frequencies that you received?

--- On Thu, 5/3/12, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Re: CS Macular Degeneration
Date: Thursday, May 3, 2012, 5:58 PM


No. The frequency of the MOPA can be set to different frequencies to treat 
problems. I choose the carcinoma frequency as the set point vice staph, strep., 
etc. which all would be a different frequency.  I felt the spot where the 
lump was and there is still a flat lump about the size of a quarter, and it 
is hard. Last year I was given a set of DR Rifes lab notes which list the kill 
frequencies for 16 microorganisms. I have Barrets esophagus which is one step 
from carcinoma. I would rather experiment with frequencies than Dr's. Running 
the MOPA also could have done in my Macular Degeneration. Sometimes you can 
used rife equipment. lists used equipment. 

In a message dated 5/2/2012 8:27:44 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
Got a 
  query about the dog?  Do you know if that lump was in fact a cancer, or 
  just a cyst?