You know I'd really like to try this. Would this methodology work? I take 5
2litre plastic bottles (sorry only have plastic) fill one with tap water,
one with filtered tap water, one with Scottish spring water, one with tap
water boiled on stove and cooled, one with tap water microwaved to boil and
cooled. I'll label each bottle A, B, C etc, get my son to fill each, write
down what he filled it with but don't let me see the list. I'll then take a
packet of sunflower seeds 'cos they sprout pretty quick, and plant 3 seeds
in each of 5 identical pots filled with compost from the same bag. I'll
label the pots A, B, C etc, sit them on the same windowsill and give them
all a measured amount of water each day from their appropriate bottle. I
won't know which is which but should be able to see if they grow roughly
evenly or not.

Have I missed anything?


On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 7:00 PM, Marshall <> wrote:

> The pictures of those tests are a rip-off.   These pictures were taken by
> my daughter in Knoxville, TN about a science fair project project my
> granddaughter did about 10 years ago.
> It can be explained simply because the plants responded to the
> experimenters desires and intentions.  For it to be valid would require it
> to be completely double blind.  Fact is, you can have two plants, and send
> one loving thoughts, and the other thoughts of death, and over a short
> period get similar results.
> Marshall
> On 5/11/2012 4:07 AM, Mark wrote:
>> So if microwave is so harmless then could someone explain why plants die
>> if they are watered with microwaved water?
>> Here's some evidence...
>> Http://**htm <Http://>
>> I did the test myself, but never captured photos and I got the same
>> results.
>> -Regards,
>> Mark
>> On 11 May 2012, at 2:23, "Mike Monett"<>  wrote:
>> David AuBuchon<aubuchon.david@gmail.**com <>>
>>  wrote:
>>  Did Mike even do some basic google searching to confirm there is no
>>> evidence microwaves have negative health effects?  No, it appears not.
>> Yes, Mike did all the googling to search for evidence of harm.
>> Like most things, a weak analysis capability can convince you of anything.
>> I am finished with this topic.
>> Thanks,
>> Mike Monett
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