WOW! Would I just LOVE to sit with you for a month and learn as much as I
could :o)

I'm interested in the essences that you're using for:

        The plants want to help us grow, develop.  They work on raising
vibration, on bringing in more joy, on opening to being a channel, to
helping with getting better luck, more romance,

...and any that you know of for weight loss (sugar/carb cravings etc.)
Would you be willing to share the plants that I could use to create these
essences? Would I be able to find them in the northeast (NH specifically)?

Thanks again.., I thoroughly am enjoying being your humble student!


-----Original Message-----
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 10:07 AM
Subject: RE: CS>microwave food: hard-boiled vibrations

Lol--I have poison oak flower essences!  Haven't had a lot of use for it
yet, and it's for stubbornness (to relieve it) and I thought perhaps an
antidote to poison oak rash, but it's not.  That was just MY thinking--the
antidote thing, not from the plant itself.

First you have to know your plant, to know if it is poisonous or not.  You
need to get a very good wild flower book, and/or a wild plant book for your
local area.  I have 3 that I use all the time for our area, because no one
book will have them all.  If I find a plant I don't know it's usually in 2
of the books but not the third, so if I only happened to use the one book
that didn't have it, I wouldn't learn the plant.  So go through your books
at the store to see how many cross-overs they have.  My third book is a book
on local trees, bushes and flowers, which is great if I find a bush I don't

Then you still need to sit with the plant to see what it will do, essence
wise, to see if you want/need it or not.  You do not have to worry about the
essence doing what the plant would do if you touched or ate it--because the
energy of the physical plant is different than the energy of the flower

Still, if you are worried about a plant being poisonous, then simply don't
use it.  With literally hundreds of different plants at your fingertips, you
can certainly pass up a couple.  You will find that if you start making a
lot of essences, many of them will be for the same type of thing.  Like I
have probably 4 that are all grounding, though each has secondary things
that are different from each other.  

It's best to make just a few essences and try them to see if you like them.
I know what it's hard at first because you want to make them ALL!  Lol
especially if the plants start calling you.  But unless you have a client
base to use them on (we did, my partner and I, and we had a hypnotist that
used them with her clients, etc) there's not a lot of need for 100 essences.

I found the difference between Bach's essences and most other 'modern'
essences is that Bach really restricted his practitioners.  He worked with
people right after the war and they were dealing with all sorts of negative
issues, so all his essences were basically for negative things--to fix them.
Sadness, depression, grief, etc.  when he had all he felt that covered all
their problems he said--that's it, that's all you will ever need, don't make
any other essences!  That's why you'll see makers like me and others have
hundreds of essences and Bach only has his few (in comparison).  His
practitioners can't go making new essences!

But in reality, essences are far more than for relieving negative issues.
The plants want to help us grow, develop.  They work on raising vibration,
on bringing in more joy, on opening to being a channel, to helping with
getting better luck, more romance, and all sorts of things that Bach never
even considered.  He got what he NEEDED and then didn't look any further.
The plants have so much more to offer us.  

So don't be afraid of plants--be aware of touching a dangerous plant that
you might have a reaction to, but you won't get any dark or negative energy
from any essence.  I have never, ever found that in any of mine (about 200
different ones) nor have I ever heard of any maker running across this.  

Hope this helps.


-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 8:22 AM
Subject: RE: CS>microwave food: hard-boiled vibrations


Thank you so much for this invaluable information! You have such great
knowledge and it's wonderful that you're willing to share it.

My concern with essences (I do have all the Bach flower essences) and
although I would love to expand with mores...I'd worry about any poisonous
flowers that would cause harm. I know that we have several different things
here in the Northeast and I wouldn't trust myself to be sure that a "pretty"
flower would help rather than harm. What's your suggestion on this?

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2012 11:15 PM
Subject: RE: CS>microwave food: hard-boiled vibrations

Essences are very easy to make.  There's no trick to it, and you don't have
to 'talk' to plants to make it--though it helps.  :)

The more you make essences, the more you work with plants, the more you
learn to communicate with them.  But I tell beginners to just go with
whatever flower they are drawn to.  Go outside and notice the plants, the
flowers.  See which one you are drawn to.

Then ask the plant if it wants to be an essence for you.  I've always gotten
a yes except one time--and that wasn't a no, it was a 'wait'.  I had to wait
a whole year, so there must have been something the plant wanted to do
before working as an essence.  Plants LOVE to work with people.

Anyway--ask if it is ok to take some flowers to make an essence.  You will
feel a yes or no, a positive or negative feeling inside you.  If you get a
positive feeling you then ask how many flowers you will need.  The first
number that pops into your head will be how many.  Don't second guess
yourself.  Normally I usually get 3 or 4, but sometimes it has been 6 and
sometimes only 1.  

Now, you need a small jar, like a baby food jar.  You can make as much of an
essence as you want, but since you literally use drops of the mother
tincture and then drops of the stock bottle, a little goes a long way.
Making even a half cup of essence will last you and your family a lifetime.

So, small jar with good water.  Well water, spring water or distilled water.
A pair of scissors, a lid for the jar, a small strainer.  Fill the jar half
way with water (leaving room for alcohol as a preservative).  

Ask the plant how many flowers.  When you get the number take  the scissors
and clip that many flowers into the lid of the jar.  I do this so as not to
touch the flowers, trying to keep 'me' out of the essence--though of course
the energy of the maker does get in.

Once the flowers are clipped into the lid, tilt them into the jar of water.
Set the jar in the sun, lid off.  I rarely have bugs get in.  I think the
energy is too strong.  I pick a spot that is 'bare' to set the jar.  I use a
tree stump, but you can use a sidewalk, or a driveway.  If you set it on the
ground or in other plants you will pick up that energy.  

I place my hands around the jar, not touching it, and say a prayer asking
the light of the sun to place the energy of the plant into the water so that
all who partake of the essence will be healed.  You will feel the energy
stop flowing from your hands, so stop then.

Leave the jar sitting in the sun for however long you like.  I learned that
the summer south texas sun will evaporate a LOT of water in just 2 hours,
lol, so I usually try to do mine in the morning.  Sometimes it sits for an
hour, sometimes 2 or 3.   

When you feel the essence is ready, bring it in.  strain out the flowers and
put the water back into the jar.  Now add the same amount of alcohol (I use
vodka but traditional is brandy, use what you like) as you have water.  If
you have a quarter cup water add a quarter cup alcohol.  

Label this as your mother tincture, with the name of the flower.  Sit with
this and after a while you'll get what this essences is for.  Or just take
it and see what happens.

To make your dosage bottle you take your mother tincture, get another bottle
with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the mother essence how many drops you
need to make the stock bottle.  The number that pops into your head is
right.  Place that many drops of essence into the new bottle, label it as
your stock bottle and put the flower name on it.

Now from the stock bottle, you will make your dosage bottle.  Take a dropper
bottle, fill with half water, half alcohol.  Ask the stock bottle how many
drops you need to put into the dosage bottle.

Now you have your essence!  You can see that you need very little of the
mother essence because you use just drops of that to make a stock bottle and
then drops of the stock to make your dosage bottle.  

Any questions--just ask.


-----Original Message-----

Would you share how you make the essences?

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