My dog did this but was under a year at the time. I was told to look for
wheat and corn allergies and that is what it was. I didn't have to go
through any long elimination diets as cutting wheat and corn solved the
problem. Grain free blends in specialty feed stores all pretty good. The
stuff in supermarkets is always full of corn and cheap grains.
Worth a try at least.  Good Luck, Val

On Sun, Sep 23, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Kathy Tankersley

> **
> My little shih-tzu dog, male about 7 tears old has started pulling out his
> tail and chewing on the spot, He's got the place sore now, I've been
> putting on CS, but he keeps it raw, Does anyone have any idea why he is
> doing this and how to treat it?   Thanks, Kathy