Hi Lois,
Where does one find sandstone?

From: "zzekel...@aol.com" <zzekel...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, November 2, 2012 9:02:47 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Toenail Fungus/Melly

In a message dated 11/2/2012 8:02:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
highfie...@internode.on.net writes:
Cracked & brittle nails do you    think this is always a fungal problem? I just 
thought it was hereditary?    My toe nails are totally crippled & awful- only 
moons anywhere on hands or    feet are on the thumbs, which are very vertically 
ridged so much so they often    split - again I assumed with was hereditary?  
Biotin hasn't really helped    yet. Any suggestions?  (homeopathy hasn't helped 
either    with Causticum & Graphites) 

>   I was hoping that    diatomaceous earth might help but I so rarely have 
> cold 
>drinks I haven't    really started taking it yet.  Jane
Hi Jane, when I got cancer, my fingernails were very soft  & would break off 
easly-- I did a search & found that { I know sounds  crazy }--that wearing 
sandstone would strengthen fingernails.. I went out  in the field & found some 
sandstone & drilled a hole in a small piece  & wore it as a necklace. { still 
}...My nails are very strong It took  about a month for them to change.  Here 
are a few sites I found during my  search.-- Lois 
1-Discovery  Health "How Fingernails Work" -----2- Slide show: 7 fingernail  
problems not to ignore - MayoClinic.com -----3- What  Causes Ridges in 
Fingernails and What You Can Do About Them - Yahoo! Voic