Thank you James -- I appreciate your advice.

From: James McDonald <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, December 27, 2012 10:35:44 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Need help

My wife does the 5ml of 20ppm CS to start with then goes up to the 10ml 20ppm 
the meds cup of the nebulizer. She has not had an upper resp infection in over 
two years since doing this!!

From: MaryAnn Helland <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012 10:21 AM
Subject: CS>Need help

My husband's lung infection is back.  He's been doctoring for this for a month 
and a half, has gone through two rounds of antibiotics.  This morning it's 
all the doctor's offices are closed because of a snow storm, a phone request 
a prescription was denied without his being seen by the doctor.  He's miserable 
-- coughing, can't breathe, etc.
So -- we're going to try nebulizing EIS.  Having never done this before, I need 
to know -- do we use EIS full-strength?  Also -- how much, how often, etc. -- 
general guidelines.  TIA.