Hi Deb.  I have a similar situation -- a molar is trying to die and I don't 
want it to.  There is swelling on the gum beneath the tooth (it's a lower 
molar) -- and when it was at its worst, the tooth itself ached.  I have used 
Colloidal Silver, a cold laser, a godzilla device (home-made) and Bio-Magnets.  
All of these things helped but what helped the most (it seems) was the Godzilla 
followed by application of Bio-Magnets.  What remains is a very small *bump* on 
the gum, with no drainage, and no discomfort at all.  I would be very concerned 
about that ongoing infection that's draining and damaging the gums -- these 
types of infections can cause heart damage as well.

The Godzilla is very inexpensive to make -- you just need a six-volt lantern 
battery, electric cord, a couple of copper alligator clips, and any one of a 
number of options to cover the exposed wires of the cord.  There is a yahoo 
group called microelectricitygermkiller  that you can join to see exactly how 
to do this. You apply the electricity directly to the gum itself -- I put the 
protected ends of the wires inside my mouth on either side of the gum.  
Awkward, but effective.  You treat for five minutes at a time, several times a 
day.  There is no discomfort.

Regarding magnets -- it's important that you get exactly the right kind -- 
BioMagnets are a specific brand.  Again -- there is a Yahoo group called 
magnetictherapytoday.  Members of the list can purchase the magnets at 25% off 
anytime, and right now I think they're having a 30% off sale.  You would want 
the small magnets -- about the size of a dime.  You would tape one magnet to 
your cheek directly over the gum infection, then place a second magnet over the 
tape on top of the first magnet.  Wear this constantly -- except when you're 
applying the godzilla -- even when you're sleeping.

Between the two procedures, you'll succeed in eliminating the infection.  If 
you add the procedure of Brooks' that Brickey just posted, that'll be an extra 
boost to restoring health to your gum.  Despite all of this, you may end up 
losing the tooth anyway.  When they die, they die -- but I've kept mine going 
for an additional four years this way.

I'm sorry that you lost your job.  If you can't afford the magnets, I'll be 
happy to send you two.

On 4 Apr 2014 at 15:19, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
Subject : CS>Gum infection

> Greeting's everyone,
> I have been battling a pain free gum infection. It did not start high up
> on the gum but is climbing and destroying my gum tissue. I have tried
> everything..taking CS all during the day...3% hydrogen peroxide..DMSO
> mixed with CS...Oregano oil..I push on the pocket and drain it several
> times a day and the color is light green. It is grossing me out. I have no
> insurance and until I lost my job and year and half ago I kept up on
> dental visits and cleanings. I am 62 and am wondering if age plays into
> it. I have even injected the peroxide into the infected area...then
> switched to the cs with DMSO..it's not getting worse but it is not going
> away. Going on the third week now...will it stop eventually? Any input
> would be appreciated,
> Thanks Deb