Very well put Neville....dee

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> On 8 Aug 2014, at 10:00, Neville <> wrote:
> Note:  The following is based on the home produced LVDC product and NOT the 
> purchased product.  I don't know what product you may be referring to when 
> classifying or defining 'Colloidal Silver'?  However, the first thing is 
> defining what a 'Colloid' actually is, and what constitutes a 'Colloidal' 
> product?
> (1) Yes, True.  The home produced product is mostly Ag+ electrically charged 
> ions with a lesser amount of neutral atomic ion clusters, commonly referred 
> to as particles/colloids.  I personally don't subscribe to the 
> colloid/particle definition as they are not actually metallic particles as 
> such, they are clusters of ions with each ion surrounded or encapsulated in 
> liquid to form that 'colloid/particle'.  I also don't accept what is made in 
> the home is the same as what is purchased in the stores.  I don't believe 
> commercial manufacturers use LVDC for volume production, hence their product 
> is not the same as home made.  The purchased product *should* contain vastly 
> more particles/colloids to ions, and those 'particles/colloids' do not have 
> an electrical charge as Ag+ ions do, hence the '+' after the Ag.
> (2) Home made EIS is predominantly Ag+ ions with a lesser amount of atomic 
> ion clusters, commonly referred to as particles/colloids.  For simplicity 
> sake those 'particles/colloids' are similar to a bunch of balloons with a pea 
> in the centre of each balloon, the balloon represents the water surrounding 
> that pea. Nano represents measurements in billionths of a metre.
> (3) No, people are not just saying that, silver dispersed in a liquid medium 
> via LVDC electrolysis is measured in the nano scale due to the size and 
> dispersion capabilities and density of silver so dispersed in solution.  You 
> can't see the ions in solution.
> (4) All I can say to this one is, millions around the globe can't be wrong.  
> They can say what they like about the chemistry regarding stomach acid etc 
> etc and compounds formed by whatever means, but nobody can adequately explain 
> what *exactly* occurs once atomic ion clusters enter the blood stream or body 
> when it comes to body chemistry?  It has been shown that the ammonia within 
> the body counteracts the chloride business, but that's for someone else to 
> discuss or debate.  As I said, there must be something else happening when 
> this stuff enters the human body for it to be so effective for so many 
> people?  Nothing I can add to that.  Everything looks good on paper or in 
> chemistry books, but when it comes to human anatomy or chemistry reality may 
> tell us something different?
> Disclaimer:  I am not a chemist either and the above is my review on the 
> matter, so all the above is only my considered opinion based on plenty of 
> research whilst reading between the lines of said research in making my own 
> determinations on the subject.  Further information or opinion based on 
> acquired knowledge and/or academia literature will surely follow <g>.
> N.
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2014 23:41:49 -0700
> Subject: CS>Does ionic silver turn into silver chloride?
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