I think that should be 'argyria' ....dee

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> On 2 Sep 2014, at 02:01, TJ Garland <ironguard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hollie, i have used it with great success for 20 years for hundreds of 
> different problems. It worked better than antibiotics for all.
> It must be made properly-to not get agraria. Simple to do. 
> Www.silverpuppy.com is one supplier.
> I could write pages on my clients when I was a practicing ND.
> Search the net awhile.
> Buy "A Miraculous health Substance" by Marvin Robey.   "The Body Electric" by 
> Becker
> Search colloidal silver+Brigham Young university
> Then ask the group questions.
> "I've always wondered what the 1920's and 1930's were like, but I never 
> wanted to see it from the German perspective….."
> On Sep 1, 2014, at 8:13 PM, "indiantadpole ." <hollie.fl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. 
> I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a 
> mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to work in the traditional 
> medical world, I am very interested in natural cures and remedies. My family 
> and I eat very healthy, and we avoid most traditional medications. A 
> co-worker recommended that I buy colloidal silver when my 15 month old son 
> got sick for the very first time a few weeks ago. (He began daycare several 
> weeks before that..) He was diagnosed with pneumonia, strep throat and 
> bilateral ear infections. I reluctantly gave him the prescribed antibiotics 
> and I didn't look into the silver. Then, a few days ago, he came down with a 
> fever again, and after another visit to the ped, he was diagnosed with 
> another set of ear infections, and prescribed to a heavier antibiotic- 
> Augmentin. Yesterday, I was beside myself, wanting to do what's best for my 
> son, but super reluctant to go through a whole new course of antibiotics just 
> 3 weeks since his Amoxicillin. I did some research online about the colloidal 
> silver, and I decided to go out and buy some. I also picked up the Augmentin, 
> since I have no experience with the silver, and I gave him both. I used drops 
> in his ears and I gave him 1 tsp by mouth. I also took 1 tsp, and gave my 
> husband several tspns, as he is also ill. Today I was pretty surprised to see 
> that there just doesn't seem to be a lot of information out there about 
> colloidal silver. I know that it is used in the ointment on newborns eyes 
> after they are born, and also read that Nasa uses it to purify water. I don't 
> doubt that it is beneficial. I am curious as to how beneficial. Could it be a 
> cure for HIV//cancer? Also agraria- is this common? Should I be worried? Of 
> course, I don't want my baby's skin to turn blue! Then I read that it can 
> cause neurological issues like seizures. Does anyone have any evidence to 
> support harmful side effects? Any success stories? Sorry so long... Looking 
> to forward to hearing from you. 
> -Hollie 