Good post Steve....look what the FDA did to Royal Rife....we would have had a 
cure for cancer now if not for that!  dee

Sent from my iPad

> On 29 Oct 2014, at 01:37, Steve G <> wrote:
> Well, I thought the Religion route was innovative.  But if he is to be 
> believed, and I have no reason to doubt his word, his church does not sell 
> MMS.  He conducts training seminars. He sells his e-books.  But he truly 
> seems to be on a mission to help as many as possible from illness by 
> spreading the good word about MMSI and MMSII. 
> It is my understanding that his church makes MMS available at clinics for 
> free and that they are interested in helping people defeat illnesses.  I 
> don't think has ever claimed that MMS is the only answer to the world's 
> problems, but it certainly is what he's all about.  It's enough to work on 
> without taking up more things.
> He also is not trying to protect himself from the Feds by having a church.   
> He protects himself from the Feds by never again setting foot inside the US.  
> He has seen too many folks with non-FDA approaches to illness just plain 
> disappear and doesn't want this to happen to himself.
> I don't recall whether his archbishops are forbidden from selling MMS kits or 
> not.  I kinda suspect this is the case, but I really don't know.  Seems like 
> it would be forbidden in order to avoid harming the perception of MMS by a 
> skeptical public.
> Overall, I think Humble is a good guy.
> One of the good things about MMS and MMSII is that all of the authoritative 
> discussion seems pretty coherent and consistent, especially since it all 
> eminates from one place.
> With CS, it's totally different.  You have all kinds of people worldwide 
> making many different claims.  There is a lot of conflicting info out there 
> that makes it hard to get a handle on what is true and what isn't.  Plus 
> people making claims that THEIR CS is better than anyone else's.
> So it goes.  There is much to learn about CS as well as MMS and other 
> alternative approaches.  
> I just want something that helps.
> Steve
> From: Sara Mandal-Joy <>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2014 5:46 PM
> Subject: CS>Jim Humble
> I don't like his "religion" either - and I think he could do a whole lot 
> for a whole lot if he chose to give the research data, the specifics...  
> which he really hasn't done.    However, that being said, he HAS 
> described the science of it.  And there are many bright minds out there 
> who have verified what he has to say.  It is not bleach.  Simple 
> chemistry will tell you that.  I seem to be highly sensitive to it, and 
> never got over one drop at a  time - my herx reactions are intense, and 
> that was all I could  tolerate.  I have put it on the back burner as  a 
> must have first aid item, and "in case of".  Some bright minds are 
> saying that the combo of MMS and CS is the most efficient/effective way 
> of treating ebola.    Does Humble's non-humble archbishopry make me 
> want to barf?  Absolutely!!  But that does not mean MMS is worthless?  
> No.  My inner guides and my reading/study have told me it is an 
> important thing to have available.  I only have a little, just enough 
> for personal use, but one doesn't need a lot of it.
> I must say it really angers me  when anyone - like Jim Humble - makes 
> their product THE answer to the world's problems.  Certain brands of CS 
> do the same thing.  And it feeds the feds' reactions to such 
> products.    BUT just because the feds say MMS is a fraud - as they say 
> of CS, it doesn't mean it is so.  And it angers me when people take up 
> that rhetoric, especially people who are benefitted by CS.
> I will also say, in defense of Humble.  I think he's always had a 
> non-humble attitude.  But his religiousity I think came as a way to 
> protect his product from being made illegal and confiscated.  By 
> declaring his company a church, and his distributors priests or 
> ministers or whatever, and his product as a sacrament, he was trying to 
> get around being completely shut down.  He wanted what he "believes" 
> (therefore the church) is a miracle product to not be again confiscated 
> by the feds.    Prety out of the box thinking.    I'm not sure how 
> honest it is, although I think he has convinced himself it is a matter 
> of faith and principle as much as a matter of science.  I'm not sure 
> either how effective his defensive stance will be in the long run - in 
> part because of his ego, and how his pompous attitude turns folks off.  
> He's already defrocked and escommunicated one of his "priests" because 
> he altered the teachings in some way from Humble's presentation.  What a 
> drama.  Anyways, my 2 cents.  Sara
> --
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