This sort of knowledge never ceases to amaze me! dee

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> On 30 Oct 2014, at 11:09, Ode Coyote <> wrote:
> AC frequency is key here as voltage controls ion velocity and you want that 
> ion to get far enough away from the emitting electrode that it doesn't just 
> get sucked back on when the polarity reverses.
> You also don't want them to move so fast as to make it to the other electrode 
> and get stuck there.
> To do that at 60 Hz [60 cycles per second] takes over 1,000 volts...typically 
> between 1,000 and 5,000 volts  [instant death to the careless]
> For low voltage generators, 10 to 30 cycles per HOUR.
>  ..not an easy thing to accomplish.
> Voltage is nearly irrelevant.
> Current density is key. [amperage per square inch of electrode surface]  
> e=i/r  [Current=Voltage/Resistance]
> Optimal max: ~ 1 mA per square inch 
> "Particles" are non conductive and form faster and bigger when ions are in 
> high concentration, super saturating the water in localized areas.
> Avoid high concentration zones, especially at the surface of the electrodes 
> [Nernst Diffusion Layer] where even vigorous stirring will not affect it.
> " Agglomeration"
> Since "particles" are only held apart by a very weak Vanderwaals force, high 
> velocity collisions will make bigguns outa don't stir too fast 
> or input thermal kinetic energy at too high a level.
> The more "particles" per cubic inch, the more likely a collision.
> Ode
>> On 10/29/2014 6:10 PM, Bill Highland wrote:
>> HELP!!!!  I am attempting to make my own “Nano particle colloidal silver 
>> generator” for my own personal use.  I have COPD (emphysema, & asthmatic 
>> bronchitis) and wish to live another day...I have four choices of voltage to 
>> make my own generator and would love for someone in the know to advise me on 
>> a voltage choice.... constant voltage 9vdc 400 ma 3.6 watts......6vdc 300 ma 
>> 1.8 watts.....9vdc 300 ma 2.7 watts and constant ac voltage 15v 360 ma 5.4 
>> watts.....can anyone advise me on selecting various powers as the product 
>> begin to perk faster........I have heard that ac voltage makes for a more 
>> even solution of particles, with fewer Ions...and the that the amperage is 
>> better if kept low through out the process? What would be wrong with 
>> starting with the highest and as the nano particles begin to accumulate move 
>> to a lower voltage/ma, would that keep the particle in the nano range?  
>> about it?   anyone?....thanks
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