It's not really the wheat, but the glyphosate (Roundup). People who are severely sick on North American wheat can go to Italy and not get sick. They don't use Roundup in Italy.
On 2014-11-22 12:22 PM, M.G. Devour wrote:
Marshalee wrote:
Hey Mike,
  You're doing paleo?? Great! I'm doing wheat belly and
  have lost 30 pounds since late August!! It's pretty close to paleo: no
  grains whatsoever, lots of veggies and fruits, good meats and fish,
  and I eat the yolks of my eggs!! I feel wonderful. I'm 62, top weight
  was 304, diabetic enough to be on metformin. My goal is 150 and no
  diabetes. I'm so glad I read wheat belly and its sequels!
Wow! Great to hear your voice Dearest! (Textually, of course! <grin>)

Yes, I discovered Paleo by name 2-3 year ago and have had a couple of
good spells on it. For various reasons I keep giving up on it for a
while. I'm currently "off" and edging toward "on" again.

I first adopted a carb restricted or no-carb diet back in about 2002-3
and lived that way most of a year, IIRC. That was described by the
Neanderthin book and Atkins at the time. I've never felt better as an
adult than when I've been eating low/no-carb.

One of the ongoing de-motivators for me is trying to instill a desire
for this diet/lifestyle into my wife. I'm sorry, I know it's totally up
to me and responsibility for how I eat starts in my marrow and ends at
my own skin, but I'm still taxed by the constant availability of
unhealthy carbs in the house and with the ease of cooking as we always
have and eating what's put in front of me when she cooks and ***I*** am
not motivated enough to put in the extra effort.

I could and can do it with her passive assistance -- she'll cook what I
request and usually eat it with me, but will have a starch on the side
or sit down with a snack of cereal later, and will take a sandwich in
her lunch! --  but it would be a ton happier and easier if we were both
to join together to do it. It'd be so good to see her enjoy the
benefits, as she's always struggling to keep her weight down (she's not
obese, but isn't anywhere near a slim as she wants to be) and putting up
with migraines and various joint injuries and, recently, the beginnings
of arthritis.

Anyway, I've heard the phrase Wheat Belly, but haven't looked into it
yet. Maybe it will give me some new knowledge and inspiration. If it's
got enough "science" backing it, hey, it might even convince my
scientist wife that there really could be and is something wrong with
our "normal" modern food supply. Here's hoping! I'm off to Google now...

Be WELL! Marsha! Thanks! And here's a big <HUG> from me...

Mike D.

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