One option might be like the Rife Forum run by Peter Walker. There is an online forum with a daily email digest. I can read all of the posts in the email, and each post has a link for replies. I have to sign in to post, so non-members cannot send spam.
One negative is that it has to raise money every year for operating costs.

On 2015-02-18 9:08 AM, M.G. Devour wrote:
Hi everyone. I've been away from my computer for a couple of days here,
though I've monitored some of the discussion so far and am catching up
with the rest shortly.

Please read carefully what Victor writes here. It expresses my desires

On Sun, 2015-02-15 at 02:06 +0900, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
... whatever platform you choose, I would strongly recommend that
email notifications remain an optional feature. The ideal system will
provide multiple communication methods, in order to reach/satisfy the
largest potential audience.

I hope that is clear, and puts to rest anyone's fears that I intend to
abandon them. Any idea that doesn't support e-mail-based subscriptions
to the group is a non-starter for me.

The list serves those who are comfortable with it just fine. I get that.
It is not, however, doing fully what it was intended to do, which is
bring the collective wisdom of our community to new people as well as
foster technical discussions and development.

I grant you that a large measure of that shortfall rests squarely on my
shoulders and the neglect I've subjected the list to for the last few
years. But some of it IS because of the technical underpinnings -- which
I've neglected as well.

If we're all on the same page now, I hope that some of you will join in
to HELP me find that ideal option which will work even better with
e-mail than the current software, and lets us finally become part of the
greater web world -- all while preserving independence, control, and

If you have any time to root around, Victor, I'd love to see if you come
up with a few options I've missed. Anyone with even a vaguely technical
background can help in this search.

Be well,

Mike D.

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Noam Chomsky said, “The general population doesn’t
even know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know
that it doesn’t know.”